No more night duty for me!! I'm still adjusting back to my biological clock, during the day. I think i will age faster and look shag if i were to work permanent night!
Come to think of it, i'm only left with less than 3 weeks till my Prcp ends!! I'm gonna go celebrate when it ends!! That also mean, i'm stepping into working life very soon....
Shucks, im starting work tmr again. I feel like i didn't have my off days..They always say: " Monday is so far from Friday and yet, Sat is so near to Monday" You will never have enough of rest days despite the long working week.Our lives are spent working...
I can't wait to spend CNY ( all the good food), Our one year Anniversary ( our long waited Guess Watch), V-day? Suppose not, guess just celebrate it tgt with our one year? Then to our long waited Graduation!!!

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