At the airport about 4am. And yes, i've permed my hair.
Inside the airport express train. Cozy and nice :)
Our room is at the 25th storey. It's been raining since we were at hong kong. And i must say the rain is never ending, it can rain up to the whole day.
First stop, Stanley market.
I love the hotel lift. All with mirrors :)
Their underground MTR( aka the MRT)
The very famous temple in Hong kong.
Mong kok. The Woman's and Man's heaven.
Haha, i took a picture of this. Never seen it before, so thought it might interest u guys. It's a guy's thong.
Next stop, 星光大道。Various hand prints of famous artiste.
Jacky cheung's handprint.
Aaron kwok's handprint.
Jackie chan's handprint
The Olympic Mascots.
A Jackie Chan look-alike.
On the way to "The Peak". Located at the peak of the mountain and so we have to take a tram to reach there. You have no freaking idea how steep the tram ride can be!
On top of the mountain. Kinda foggy so can't really take a good picture.
The beautiful sky-line of Hong kong.
The next day we went to take a look at Disney land. Not really go into, but took the train and some photos of the outside.
To get to Disney world, we have to transit at Sunny Bay.
The mickey mouse handle :)
The very cute Disney train.
H & M was opened by Madonna. Their clothings are damn nice and the price are reasonable too. H&M is a must go in Hong kong.