Supposingly our trip was on Sat however, some of them could not make it so we changed it to today. As usual, always changing of our original plans we headed there after bio. And ahem, we skipped lect to do so. Bet aaron saw us leaving the school premises.
Neway, the entire trip to OCH was so confusing and we ended up taking so many redundant buses while we can only take one straight bus from tampines?!? So time was wasted but it was still early so who cares. It was really freaky when we first stepped in. I was like shaking inside but after walking a few rounds and bumping into another group of peeps, i started to cool down. I met Mei jing after the OCH trip to pass Fiza the gifts. it was a short one. Well, my primary school meet-up wasnt a long one too.My apology, i'll stay on for the next gathering alright?