Watched Texas chainsaw massacre part 3 today. Gross and sadist as usual. But i like today's ending to the movie cause Tommy's hand was CUT OFF! Muhahaha..Today there was this "pretty babes and hot hunks" contest in our school. Well there were only 6 contestants and they are like okay. Not say very handsome and very pretty except for one or two. But i think that the female winner wasnt pretty after all just cute perhaps. So the hosts were Fionia xie, Desmond koh and Ben. Fiona looked so petite if u see her there. Guess people looked different when they are on tv and in person. Special appearance was Elvin. Dunno his full name thou but he look so cute~~ Gawwwww~~
We were hoping to take some snaps with him but it was impossible when everyone was crowding him. So we took shots of him on stage and he's very friendly. He would look us in the camera even when he was blocked by some camera crew. Heh heh heh..
Finally see baby in uniform personally, lookin smart and gosh, his huge bag! Hahahh, it weighs like a ton. Hope u like what i gave u today ;) Must finish it k? Love you baby. Oh and i realise my pics are kinda small in the past so i'm gonna enlarge it!~*

This is what i was referring to. Knowing tat we want his pic, he still look at us even when he's being blocked. Look at his head popping out! haha
AAHh and finally!!
*The miss Nerd*
Accompanied with Mr Nerd!

Love you darling~