Anyway a lil' fast update on Friday, head down to see Keira the little one. She's so big now, compared the last time i saw her she was so tiny and only a few days old. She's adorable and always sticks out her tongue to smile, so cheeky ;)
So yesterday, i was busy with my flea market. Rushed down in the morning to set up the stall and lucky Mr Zhuang was there to accompany me. He helped to set up the rack and FAN me!! Lol, the weather yesterday was effin' hot!! Almost melted there...I manage to sell off only a few, eh i think we gonna need another flea again yeah? And big thanks to Alice for coming down to show her support :) not forgetting my Darling again..he helped me so much yesterday, poor him having to suffer under the hot sun too. We saw Felicia chin yesterday, she hanged around the flea for awhile and she walked past our stall and smile. Stop your fake pretence, go get a life girl! Don't ask why, i just don't like her.
The worst thing of all is, im down with cough and flu...hopefully it's better tomorrow because i have to teach and scream~~

My parents went to Vietnam yesterday already. I have to make food myself now :(