Today had a ptrsentation on 1085. We were so slack and this resulted in us panicking in the end cause we couldn't print the slides for Susan loh. Thank goodness she didnt rave and rent at us! Throughout the presentation it was pretty alright, not much of any mistakes. She was kinda pleased with our presentation though we exceeded 1 minute. Went to collect my uniform today, waited for about am hour and a half. Even collecting uniforms take such long time!
Went to help out with rotaract's installation today. Was kinda fun and haha our tasks is to decorate the banner! It was a success!! Our achivement!! It was done by Mee siew, Ee chew, Felicia, Sit niang and me! Hahaha and i'm suppose to be the GOH 'bodyguard'! My goodness! and its like i have to lead him here and there! OMG la!! I don't mind helping out but I'm so afraid i will make a fool out of myself or i will trip and fall!! I'm just not confident.
Hopefully it's a good one tmr and our MASKS! Make sure we stand out k guys?? We're so gonna take alot of pics tmr! And before i end, it's pictures again!

While decorating the banner

The three babes!
We just love cam whoring!
Our hard work! Look at the banner!
Self protrait of me again! i love taking pics!! Haha