12/10/07 was a memoriable day for me. Baby and i went to Vivo and we watched "resident evil' extinction with his free movie ticket from Safra. We Shopped around Vivocity and took some pictures as the view's super nice. I specially brought a camera there cause it's our first time there together and the next day is our 5th month!! We had a baby, our first baby...
*pictures indulgence*
This is our baby which i'm talking about. Haha, we went to build a bear shop and made a baby bear. It was just so cool, i was like OHMYGOD all the time. I LOVEEEE that shop so much. U can choose a bear's skin, stuff it with cotton, choose a heart and make a wish, fluff he/she, choose their clothes, name it your own. How cool can that be??
We spent quite some time inside that shop cause i almost wanted all of the cute clothings. So we decided to make her a baby girl and name her caramel. Haha, how nice. We decided to make her D.O.B on the 13 0ct as it's our special day. They even have a birth certificate!! Hehe, so yeah that was my baby which i'm referring to ;)
AND Sweetie, HAPPY 5th MONTHS!!!
Thanks for everything and words can't describe how much i love you!!