im so exhausted now! Today's Vanessa birthday and we celebrated it at Cash Studio karoake. We suggested going there cause it's bloddy cheap and u can't get that price neither in Kbox or party world. That will be our secret hideout always ;) So we sang till our throat hurts and we went home feeling so tired no doubt it was a wonderful night. What's worse is i have to rush up on my 1085 project! Arrgg, its so irritating man. Why is there never endings of projects and projects?? SO hate it! Tomorrow im going to put seperator! Hope it doesn't affect my talking. I got so many things to finished. My resume, Bio prac xams, 1086 and 1085 projects. Oh and thanks Dia for lending me ur 'formal' clothings. Thanks a million gal, wull treat u to something if i pass k? Hehe... Oh and i'm gonna upload some pics we took today :) Lastly, im gonna sing Vanessa a happy birthday song! So here goes, 'happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u, happy birthday to Vanessa...happy birthday to you~~!!!!

At the Mrt station..