Today was bluey day cause all of us wore blue!! It's our class code. We used to do it during Semester one. Wore quite a number of colours already, Red, Green, Black/white. That's how organise we are, all cause we're a class, we belong as one and that includes Song ming. Hah, he is irritating but he still participates in every activities we do.
Fromleft: Me, Gloria, Dia, Van
0708 with Mr aaron!
Our plaited hairs!!

Cam-whoring even In the ladies!!
So far yet so near
Queuing in line for the next "America's next top model"~
Candid picture. Song ming had to count 1,2,3. That explains the look on Jannie's face!
Candid 2! With si hui emo-ing, alice messy hair and jannie's fustrated face!

Ran out of moves to post! Feli getiing ready to dance 'Cha-Cha'
Si hui doing her stun once again!

This is something i have to be amaze!!! If u were to compare the two pictures there's an obvious change. Look at the difference?? Haha, once after we're done with braces, it'd not look like this but...

HAHAHA...neway there's more pictures with gloria and Iqah. Can't get those pictures now, so enjoy!!