Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2 down

I'm Done with clinical and bio exam. Left with all the projects and semestral exam. One cleared and another appears. Never-ending of exams and projects.

Jannie tan, your question to me today was : ' I wonder what's Michael Jackson doing now?'

So here your answer is, : '" He's been working on Akon's new album- Hold my hand."

And LilyAllen's second album is done :) I still love her littlest thing soundtrack. back in Topshop days, i'd always be lip syncing. I miss those days...

Apparently i have the dvd for P2 already and was kinda shocked when it's gonna release on 17th july. Don't think this movie is really worth the money, boring to the core. The whole movie basically talks about this security guard who kidnapped this woman. And she has to find ways to escape. Typical suspense movie....boring..whole place is all about the carpark.

I love MTV!