Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year

On the way to Mount faber..

SUSHI!! My Favourite :D

Games to kill the time while waiting for the fireworks at Mount Faber. Seriously we had no idea that Mount Faber was one of the location for fireworks display until the Policemen had to evacuate us from the area we were pinic-ing

It was awesome and so CLOSE-UP! It was like only right in front of us and beside of the area we were pinic-ing.

And then it's 2009. Before i start typing my resolutions, i want to screw that bus driver yesterday night. What the F, how can he leave his passengers in the middle of Telok Blangah saying he's gotta end his shift already?!

Like My goodness, it was like 12.40am and there wasn't anymore bus where he left us. The rest of the passengers, along with us, were all bewildered. In the end, we took a cab back home. Good job ah bus driver!! The start of a new year, there's already like a hole in our wallets.

Alright away from the side tracks, alot of unfortunate events happened in 2008 and i want to forget all of them. However, i still think im rather lucky. Even after all the bad stuffs that happen, somehow or rather in the end there's always something there to counteract all those misfortunes. I wished 2009 will be a better year for us all.

People have been asking what my New Year resolutions are? But i was thinking, i still have my last year's resolutions that have not been fulfiled. All i can say is, stop procrastinationg and do what i want or feel like doing.

Resolutions serves no purpose when you can't do it. So this year, I'm not gonna write any resolutions, i'm just going to stay away from unwanted misfortunes and work harder to my goals :D

Lastly Happy New Year people
Love Jamie

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