Sunday, July 6, 2008

Have you thought about?

Regarding on a post i had posted much earlier on, about the animal abuser and recently someone commented this:

" Animal abusers are more numerous that you think. When I saw the video about "how to kill live crabs" (posted on this blog), I wonder about human compassion... there is no difference between suffering of crabs and suffering of cats. The fact is the killing of animals for food is the largest animal abuse, and most of humans don't care. Please, if you care about animal welfare, don't eat them ! it's easy :"

After what he said and after much thinking, i actually realised i share the same sentiment as he do. Feeding on animals, is almost or rather the same as abusing them. Although we're not the ones inflicting on the animals but it's equally the same as abusing them.

Somone said this before, let me quote it.

" They( the animals) are meant for us to be consummed.

Somehow, the natural disasters are so-called the 'retributions'. The retributions from all those animal abusing. Let's use China as an example. So far there's been alot of quakes, and do u realize anything? What did they do to deserve such torment? They are only young kids and selfless individual. But have u really think of the reason behind it?

Been eating too many animals? Monkey brain, tiger penis, dog liver? Did the animals ever wanted this to happen? Let me show u this, I've received this mail awhile ago.

Fried insects

Deep fried star fish and sea urchins.

These pictures ain't enough to make you change your mind? Let me know, i can send you more. Feel free to comment..

Fifi with his innocent face: "Please do not eat me!"

Fifi doing his usual stunt. I'm sorry. i got no freaking idea how to turn this video around. Can you imagine him doing his stunt with his flabby fats at the waist. LMAO!!

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