Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's day!

It's so sickening to be in my situation now. Having to study now while everyone else in the house is asleep!!!
i'm here to vent my fustrations, my anger and all my hatred.
WHY? Do they have to plan the examinations now? Can't it be somewhere later? But it's vice versa la. So whatelse, cannot do anything what. Singapore has a very strict education concept.
*Tsk, tsk**
Really pity the kids nowadays, seems like the education is getting harder each day and down the road they could all have been killed by the torment of studying too much!! Hehe, enough of my nonsense. I shall be heading off to sleep, i hope i can get to sleep. Don't want all those sociolgy theories haunting me even when i sleep.
And it's bloody hard for me to get to sleep!!!!!!!
And before i forget Happy 9 months darling! And i wish u a Happy valentine's day. Shall celebrate on a better day alrighty? Stoopid exams to spoil the whole thing!!
Happy Valentine's day to all couples out there =)

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