Met up with loves and we went to Night safari for Halloween!!
That night was super packed and had to queue for some time to get the tickets.
A number of people were dressed up but i think our clique really dressed up as a whole :)

Before we start, let's introduce u to,
Jannie the Witch!

Claudia as the Black Angel..(excuse me, huge wings coming on the way)
Char siew bao anyone? hehehe

Their make up and props are all so real and scary!
There's more pictures up on my facebook! Lazy to load all. All in all, that night was of much fun scaring ppl and getting scared. Also met some tiko ah neh sneaking to take a picture of me! Basket, send him back to bangladesh then he know.
Definitely miss hanging out with my cliques though this time round was only half of them..It was such a memoriable night :)