Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I miss my friends and i hope they are doing fine out there at wherever they are...we'll just work hard right? We'll meet up soon, esp with Zali with his Botak head! Hehe
Anyway, i came across this video. It's sad to see such poor animals being cruelly, treated and killed for their skin. Blame it on the Human needs, thats why there's fur skin thus robbing away the animal rights of living. What's worse is that, they are basically awake while they rip off their skin right out from them! WHAT THE FUCK right? Be it fur or skin, still they are animals!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Us with Norani! The best lecturer/CI ever!

More pics with him~
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Special day
Anyway, last Sun was Ric's birthday. With the help of zali's mom for the cupcakes, his present, his surprise gift and me appearing at his house were all according to plan, and of course with the help of his sister la :)
Watched 2012 that day and it was so boring, people were like snoring and yawning away. This is the first movie i almost dozed off in the cinema!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Met up with loves and we went to Night safari for Halloween!!
That night was super packed and had to queue for some time to get the tickets.
A number of people were dressed up but i think our clique really dressed up as a whole :)

There's more pictures up on my facebook! Lazy to load all. All in all, that night was of much fun scaring ppl and getting scared. Also met some tiko ah neh sneaking to take a picture of me! Basket, send him back to bangladesh then he know.
Definitely miss hanging out with my cliques though this time round was only half of them..It was such a memoriable night :)